How God is speaking to us...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

This has been our prayer and God has graciously been giving us His incredible joy, peace, and hope as we trust in Him.
It is also our prayer for you!

Saturday, 26 November 2011

It's beginning to look . . .

. . . a lot like Christmas!!

Although we'll be spending Christmas in Regina with all of our children, we wanted to "deck our own halls" for the Advent Season. We're still awaiting word whether BOB can have dialysis in Regina. The Renal Unit at the Regina General Hospital is currently undergoing extensive renovations, and it's proving to be a challenge to fit into their somewhat chaotic system. He may even have to go to Moose Jaw for dialysis.

Bob was hoping to have his final chemo treatment yesterday, but his platelet count was too low. So he's officially completed his first full round of chemo and won't receive it again until there is evidence that his tumour is getting larger.


JIM has been home from the hospital since Wednesday and has been enjoying homecooked food and the ability to actually eat and drink with greater ease than he has for weeks. His recovery has been remarkable according to all of the medical staff.

Just before Jim's discharge, he got the results of the pathology tests. My sister sent us the following update: "The doctor said that of the many lymph nodes that were removed, ONE came back with traces of cancer cells. He also said that treatment with chemo for this is controversial. The pathology of the tumor revealed that it was wise to have removed it, because the chemo/radiation treatment had not killed all of the cancer cells in the tumor. Jim and Kim will meet with him early in December to discuss the options. Between now and then they will be developing a list of questions to ask to clarify what Jim is facing and help them determine the course of action that has the greatest potential for success. We are very thankful that the tumor has been removed and other information has been gathered as a result of the surgery. Please pray for wisdom to know what questions to ask and what course of action to pursue and peace that only God can give during this uncertain time."

In a few days KIM will get the pathology results from her most recent surgery. Thanks for your continued support and prayer for all of these needs. Someone once said that there are just two approaches to God in prayer: pleas for HELP and words of THANKS--and we are engaging in both kinds these days, and finding God to be abundantly faithful.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Giving Thanks!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Today, and every day, we count our blessings.

I arrived home from Regina on Tuesday at midnight. It was so wonderful to be with our kids and grandkids. KIM is recovering from her surgery and still awaiting news of the pathology report which will indicate whether she'll just have chemo or will need radiation as well. Their church family and stable community have been giving them overwhelming support--especially in providing an abundance of delicious meals, much encouragement, and lots of prayer. I hardly had to do any cooking!! It was so heartening to see how well Tim and Kim and the children are doing.

Winter arrived on the prairies so we enjoyed a nice warm fire in the fireplace--in addition to all the warmth of love that filled the air.

It's hard to get four children all together for a picture, but watching TV on Saturday morning provided the perfect opportunity!!

Grammy enjoyed being smothered with hugs and kisses!! One of the greatest joys was having all four children crawl in bed with Grammy early in the morning!!

Barbie made Kim a cozy blanket with the breast cancer logo on the fleece.

Here are Gracyn and Auntie indulging in Barb's 40th birthday pie!!

Tim loves to stretch out on the couch for a little snooze whenever he can get the chance in the middle of his busy day working in the stable. Mykenna (or Kenna, as she calls herself) makes the very best "comforter"!!


JIM astounded everyone with his amazing recovery after such extensive surgery. He was discharged from the hospital yesterday, just eight days after his surgery. Since Monday, he's been eating and drinking with no trouble at all, although he says that he gets full much sooner. This is a HUGE answer to prayer!!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Kim's surgery

KIM's surgery went well yesterday. I arrived just a few minutes after she and Tim got home from the hospital. She is really quite the "trooper". The pain was pretty bad last evening but is better today. She never complains and continues to function as though things are quite normal, although she's tired. Now they await the pathology report to determine whether she'll just get chemo or both chemo and radiation.

JIM's doing quite well, according to all of his doctors and nurses, although he will be in ICU until Wednesday before being moved to a general ward for about a week. They will make sure that the attachment of his esophagus and stomach isn't leaking and that the fear of any complications is over before transferring him. He will also be awaiting the pathlogy report. Recovery will take a few months.

BOB saw his oncologist yesterday and she's pleased with his progress. His tumour marker decreased again from 11 to 9.5. He asked her what the optimal number should be or whether they look at the "trend" more than the actual number. Dr. Le said that the number isn't nearly as important as the trend, which in Bob's case is continually decreasing.

We are SO thankful to the Lord for how well all three are doing--and grateful for your love and prayers. This has been quite a journey that isn't over yet. Thanks for your companionship on the journey.

Kim has selected a few verses to frame and hang in their home that as a constant reminder of God's loving presence. One of them is Joshua 1:9

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go."

What a wonderful promise AND reality!!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


My brother JIM was "under the knife" for almost ten hours yesterday. Surgery began around 12:30 pm and lasted over seven and a half hours. It was a very difficult operation and the tumour was removed along with a few lymph nodes from inside his esophagus, and sent for a pathology report. Major reconstruction was done to re-attach his significantly diminished esophagus and stomach. The whole precariousness of Jim's situation caused the doctor to caution Kim and Barb that some complications could arise.

As they were awaiting clearance for Jim to leave the operating room, his anesthesiologist became alarmed that Jim's blood pressure and hemoglobin were going down rapidly and determined that there must be some bleeding internally. Instead of opening him up again, they went in laparoscopically and discovered that one of the arteries that had been clamped shut with staples to prevent bleeding hadn't successfully blocked the artery. Apparently this happens very rarely.

It took quite a while to correct this problem and clean the blood up that had accumulated. So Kim and Barb had to wait for over two hours before getting word that the problem had been discovered and rectified. They decided at that point to go home and get some much-needed sleep rather than waiting another couple of hours to see Jim, knowing too that he would be totally unaware of their presence anyway!!

When Kim and Barb saw Jim this afternoon, they were surprised that he looked as well as he did following his gruelling surgery. He's getting morphine intravenously for the pain, however it has made him quite nauseous, so they've added another drug to deal with that.

Thank you SO much for your prayers. Keep lifting Jim up as he begins the long road to recovery. He will be in Intensive Care for a couple of days followed by another ten days to two weeks' hospital stay. These will be long and tiring days for Kim and Barb in particular as they plan to be at the hospital for many hours in the upcoming days.

This is a hard time for Dad and Mom, as they are not able to be with Jim. My two cousins who have been visiting Bob and me for five days, just flew down to Palm Springs this afternoon to spend six days there. They will be a huge encouragement to my folks. Again, we are totally in awe of God's timing in all of this, since Sharon and Marilyn planned this trip long before Jim knew he even had cancer!!

Just take a look at these two wonderful gals and you will know what joy they will bring to Mom and Dad!! Sharon, Marilyn, and I went over to Victoria on Sunday, and we went to The Empress for "high tea" and had a wonderful time on the island for two days.

BOB's surgical procedure to insert a "fistula" into his arm was postponed because of an overload of elective surgeries at the hospital today. It will be re-scheduled sometime in the next week or two. He'll have his final round of chemo the next two Fridays, and will be off chemo indefinitely, unless tests indicate an increase in the size of the tumour. He really is feeling quite well, except for being tired, and we are SO grateful to the Lord.

Here's proof positive that whether you eat "high tea" at a classy hotel like the Empress, or share a "White Spot" burger with a loved one on dialysis, it can be an enjoyable experience!!


Our daughter-in-love KIM will have her second surgery for breast cancer tomorrow morning in Regina. Some lymph nodes will be removed under her left arm. Although this is just a day surgery, it is still quite traumatic and could result in some challenging side-effects. It has been SO encouraging to see both Kim and Tim grow in their faith and trust in God through these difficult days.

I'll be flying to Regina in the morning for six days--helping Tim and Kim with the children, giving lots of hugs, and doing anything I can to ease their load. Barbie had her 40th birthday today, so we'll celebrate it together after Kim's surgery.


All of us are learning to lean more heavily on the Lord and one another and finding Him to be more faithful and true than we'd ever imagined. Thanks for your part in accessing God's peace, strength, perspective, and healing on our behalf.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Fun with cousins!!

My cousins Sharon and Marilyn, from Kitchener, ON, are spending a few days with us and we're having such a good time. Bob's definitely outnumbered--gender-wise and verbal-wise!!! But he's enjoying every minute of the high-estrogen atmosphere. We've even gathered around him at the piano each evening and harmonized--adding a musical benediction to Mom and Dad's night-time prayer phone call.

Friday night we sang "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" and last night "Precious Lord Take My Hand" and "I'll Fly Away"!!--pure joy!!

After church this morning, Sharon, Marilyn, and I are going to give Bob a couple of days of quietness. We're taking the ferry to Victoria for two days--and the sun's actually shining with a sunshine continuing in the forecast!!! We're SO thankful.

Jim will have his surgery on Tuesday, so please keep him in your prayers. I will post news regarding his surgery on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. My sister Barb is flying to California today to be with Jim and also our parents for three weeks. And . . . on Wednesday, Sharon and Marilyn are leaving here and flying to Palm Springs for a week. This plan was in motion even before we knew of Jim's cancer and his surgery date. Once again, we see God's hand in the timing of this, as they will be such a support to Mom, Dad, Jim, and Barb. GOD IS GOOD!!

Bob has his fistula "installed" on Wednesday and Kim has her surgery on Thursday. Thanks again for your love and prayers for each of them too.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Enjoying Niagara Falls

Pictures of David, Ann, Billy and Manny at Niagara Falls last Saturday

Billy and Manny are growing so much. Billy's seven years old and in grade two and Manny's four and attending two pre-schools--one at the university and the other at the public school.

We will all be together in Regina for Christmas. We're all excited about that, but especially the cousins!! They are becoming good pals.

Family news

Much is happening in the next couple of weeks as Jim, Kim, and Bob will all be having surgery.

Jim's surgery will be next Tuesday, Nov. 15. It will be very extensive and will take upwards of seven hours. Apparently two-thirds of his esophogus will be removed and half or his stomach!! They will then be re-attached and he will have a long recovery period. Jim will likely be hospitalized for 10 to 14 days and have a two-month recovery time at home. My sister Barb is flying there from Texas for three weeks and will spend time with Jim and Kim as well as our folks in Palm Springs.

The following day, Nov. 16, Bob will have a minor surgical procedure whereby he'll get a "fistula" in his left arm, providing a permanent vascular access to the receiving of dialysis. Until now, he's had a more temporary porta-cath.

And the next day, Thursday Nov. 17, Kim will have surgery once again--this time to remove lymph nodes under her left arm. Anticipating this and the limitations this may bring has been difficult for Kim. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

I actually plan to fly out to Regina to be with Tim and Kim and help with the children. Kim's surgery will just be day-surgery, but she and Tim will appreciate a couple of extra arms around to help care for the children, cook, etc, and give lots of hugs!!! And it will be great to be with Barbie too, as she celebrates her 40th birthday on the 16th!!!

David, Ann, and the boys are in the midst of a very busy semester at SUNY (State University of NY) in Fredonia. David's teaching and doing a lot of performing and Ann's in her second year of her M.Mus. program. They did get a little break last weekend and drove to Niagara Falls for a family outing. They're only an hour from the falls and it is a favourite family spot. They sent us a number of pictures and here are just a couple.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Update on Kim

This morning Kim had an appointment with her surgeon and sent the following report-- "The tumor was excised with clear margins, but they found one lymph node with a 'micro' amount of cancer cells. So, just to be on the safe side, they are going to remove more lymph nodes in the armpit before chemo. It will just be day surgery to take place within the next three weeks, and the surgeon will insert a 'port' for the chemo then too - so that is a good thing. Things are moving forward... "

Although this was a disappointment, the results could have been worse. This will certainly limit Kim's activity for a while, which she will find difficult. She's been doing a lot of reading the past few weeks and there's no doubt that she will find some project that will give her a sense of fulfillment and purpose during this time. She and Tim read the devotional book "Jesus Calling" this morning before her doctor's appointment and were struck by these words of wisdom, instruction, and comfort from the Lord:

"A yielded heart does not whine or rebel when the going gets rough. It musters the courage to thank Me even during hard times. Yielding yourself to My will is ultimately an act of trust. In quietness and trust is your strength."

Tim and Kim are so grateful for all the love, support, thoughtfulness, and prayers for them. They will continue to need them.