We saw our wonderful family doctor this morning. Bob had the opportunity to give her a very heartfelt and slightly teary "thank you" for her wonderful care and she asked if she could give him a hug and teared up herself.
We then went to dialysis where all went well. Barbie's his resident massage therapist and daughter extraordinaire!!
Our friends Bob and Cath Shatford came for a visit. Bob has visited our Bob almost every week since he's been on dialysis. He was the worship leader at our church when we first came 17 years ago and we've asked if he would lead the congregational singing at the Memorial Service.
Bob has been craving pizza, so we picked one up on our way home from dialysis!! Chris Hopwood's still with us, and she's just great to have around. She made a delicious salad to accompany our pizza so at least we can say that we got our veggies.
I was so tired after supper that I laid down for a nap. I awakened to talking and laughing in the living room. Chris and Bob had gotten into a good conversation and she decided to take a video of him talking to each of the grandchildren individually and they were happy with the results--yeah!! Eventually they'll receive it.
Barbie plans to return home to Regina on Sunday morning and Bob's sister Vi is coming on Monday for two days. We are so blessed with a marvelous family, wonderful friends, and an amazing God!
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