How God is speaking to us...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

This has been our prayer and God has graciously been giving us His incredible joy, peace, and hope as we trust in Him.
It is also our prayer for you!

Monday 11 March 2013

Bob's Memorial Service--Friday, March 22, 2013

Last night was my first night alone without Bob or others around. My family is determined that I not be alone much, but truly it's good for me to have a few hours by myself. Bob's sister Lois arrived this morning to be with me for a week, then my sister Barb comes a few days before the Memorial Service, and at that time there will be a flood of family around. I am so blessed.

Many of you have sent expressions of your love and prayers and deep fondness for Bob via email, phone calls, Facebook,etc. I will cherish those expressions from you. I will miss Bob's love and companionship so much, but have 43 years of memories to cherish and the very real presence of the Lord right now, plus the joy of one day being together for eternity.

One of our children expressed so well the emotions around the new reality of our lives without Dad--

"We're doing pretty well, and feel a strangely wonderful sense of calm. We've shed some tears of course, but really feel God's love throughout the process. Hard to imagine a death being a blessing, but it almost feels that way."

I couldn't have said it better myself!!

Since Bob's diagnosis two years ago, we've had a wonderful gift of time to process and prepare for this day, but also a fresh ability to enjoy every single day together to the full until this day came. Our children and grandchildren have accompanied us on the journey and are now almost finding a sense of fulfillment--not finality--in it all.

Our eight year old granddaughter so excitedly has been telling me about the "funeral clothes" they've bought and how Mommy is going to curl her hair and put ribbons in it for Papa's service. Yet she's the one who has also cried the most.

The Memorial Service for Bob will be Friday, March 22, 2:00 pm at Peace Portal Alliance Church here in White Rock, BC with a reception to follow. Almost every one of our immediate family will be here, except my parents. As soon as possible I plan to go down to Oklahoma City to spend a couple of weeks with them.

Before Bob passed away, we talked about where he would like donations in his honour to be given. He chose two different organizations that each express his deep passions--ministry leadership training and also rest and renewal for leaders.

The bulk of Bob's career has been in the administration of theological and ministry eduaction, and way back in the 80's he helped CBC/CTS (now Ambrose University College & Seminary) establish such a training school in Quebec, originally called ETAQ. It has grown significantly and is now called Institut Biblique V.I.E. and is located in Montreal. Bob has long wanted to make a financial contribution to the school and now is the perfect opportunity.

And then, Bob has always cared deeply for the emotional health and renewal of church leaders. Fairhaven Ministries, a beautiful retreat centre for Christian leaders near Vernon, BC, has been a special place of interest and investment of his gifting as he has served on the board for years, and together we've enjoyed a number of personal retreats in one of the lovely cottages on the peaceful mountainside at Fairhaven.

So in lieu of flowers, donations to either of these worthy organizations would delight Bob and continue the legacy he left in both of these places. Details will follow as to how donations can be made.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the update Carol... beautifully written. May God continue to richly bless you through this journey!

    I was very excited to hear about Bob's desire for Fairhaven as that is only 20 minutes from my house. Vernon has been a very lovely place to live and I can see that coming here for a retreat would be so very refreshing for those in ministry.

    Continuing to pray for you and your family!

    Kari Wutzke
