How God is speaking to us...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

This has been our prayer and God has graciously been giving us His incredible joy, peace, and hope as we trust in Him.
It is also our prayer for you!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Surgery done!!

We're so happy to report that after a very long wait in Surgical Admissions yesterday, Bob finally had the procedure at 10:00 pm last night!! It's amazing that he was rolled into the O.R. at 10:00, given a general anaesthetic, and was fully awake in less than an hour. He never even saw the urologist/surgeon!!

The doctor phoned me on my cell phone (Barbie and I were actually at the hospital just outside the O.R. at that time) when it was finished and said that the replacement of the stent went well and this stent should be good for at least a year (the other one only lasted three months). He also said that there were a couple of stones in his bladder, which he removed. He's going to order some lab work to be done in the next couple of days and see how much his kidney function has improved before discussing when or if dialysis should begin. It seems that the closer we get to sensing it's time for dialysis, the more the doctors seem to "back-pedal" on it.

Bob said on the way home at midnight that he thought he was already feeling some better!! He's still sleeping and certainly deserves the privilege of sleeping as long as he wants, so I'll soon know how's he's feeling this morning.

I can tell you one thing for sure--I'M feeling a whole lot better!!!--and so very thankful!!


  1. Praise the Lord that the surgery went well. Thank you for these updates to help us know how to pray. God is good and there is always much to be thankful for if we choose to focus on Him! Kory had been on a waiting list for housing for school in Kamloops and registration for courses is tomorrow. He got the e-mail today that a spot had opened up. Our faith was tested and God proved faithful once again! Much love to you both!

  2. Surgery was done very successfully, it's really great. God is always great but you must have to faith on the God. Get well soon.
    bariatric surgery
